Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Are Your Costs of Working Away From Home?

I get asked by people "So if I stayed home and sold on eBay what should I sell?".

I always think.....  I am not a mind reader and I met you thirty seconds ago. I start off with my philosphies of:
 " buy low, sell high, sell what you love"
"nothing listed, nothing gained!"

Those two sayings get the brain moving and turning and then I get the "I have no clue".

Before you start to sell off all the family heirlooms think about selling the gift that your Ex Sister-In-Law gave you three years ago. Okay it might not bring much knowing her but it is worth practicing on how to list something on eBay. I am going off topic here and have you all ready to sell but we have to see if eBay is right for you.

 I ask my students to write down the answers to the following questions.

In one month of working outside of the home what do I spend on:

1. Travel expenses to work (car, gas, bus, parking, tolls, insurance (more mileage increases policy).
2. How much do I pay a baby sitter or child care? (remember to add the extra cost of driving to child care)
3. How much do I spend on lunches or dinners at work and sodas, snacks etc?
4. How much do I spend on wardrobe and upkeep (dry cleaning)?
5. Do I make more than my husband and could he stay home instead?

Then I ask: don't tell me how much you make an hour. Tell me what you bring home after taxes, social security deductions  and other deductions in one month.

I understand some people need to work outside of the home for different emotional and financial reasons. I am just hoping you would consider again staying home and still making money while your children are young.

Now will you consider eBay?

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and agree with you all the way! SAHM's that sell on eBay ROCK!!!!
