Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do you Set Goals on How Many Listings To Do In A Day?

Well I was challenged and I did it!  I was asked to set a realistic goal by Danna Crawford of Virtual Online Learning of how many listings I could do on September 22.  I did it.. I said 30 and I had it done by 8:21 PM.
Five were accomplished on my iPhone while hubby was driving to the nursing home to see his mom and five were done on the way home.  I completed the rest tonight but I felt like my little Thomas did a few years ago.  Like a dog... but I made my goal.. Next month on the challenge.. 40 in one day..

I will suggest ways on how I got so many done in such a short time. 

1. I listed the first ten on my iphone and they were all sewing patterns of girls dresses so I have the patterns with me, Did the title, set the category once because I listed a similar item over and over and the other preferences stayed the same.  I then changed the title and the description slightly to adjust for each one. 

2. When I got home, I listed a number of Cross Stitch books on a great program called
Seller Sourcebook . The concept for the listings were the same.  I made a pile of ten books, all in samplers and starting scanning the books on my scanner, and started making the listings while the next book scanned next to me, (multi tasking is my middle name).  I like Seller Sourcebook because they have cutsey templates and I can list a similar item very quickly buy just changing the photo, title and some of the description. I then launch and fix any prices, fixed or auction or category and up we load.  Another MAIN REASON I like Seller sourcebook is because it places my photos in my ads, not up at the top and you have to click each one like eBay selling does.  Take a look at this ad and you can see. An Ad With Photos in Ad not At Top

3. Scan while listing.  Get a pile of item you need to scan and put them by the computer and scan while you are doing  a writeup and then when it finishes do another scan. 

4. I NEVER write up an item on sheets before hand unless it is one of the rare Madame Alexander or Ginny Vogue Dolls I have about 70 of I need to get listing.  I feel writing up sheets is a waste of my time since I know my product. If you don't know your product and have to do research then use the sheets with what you are going to write up your add with. 

I have five more listings in front of me before bed time so I better run... more later. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these great tips Cindy! I know everyone will appreciate it! YOU ROCK!
