Friday, September 17, 2010

Why I am a Stay at Home eBay Selling Mom

So I probably lost you with the title with your first thought that maybe this lady is totally wacko. A stay at home homeschooling mom. Many will say oh she doesn't have to work she is spoiled.

Wrong. I do have to work.  I have a son in college and have a mother in law in a nursing home and my after my husband retired as a pilot from Delta after 18 years, we getting a whopping $1000 a month in bankruptcy retirement.

I sell needlework supplies on eBay under the selling name BubbaCanDance.

Working was part of my life until we were blessed almost twenty years into our marriage with what I thought was a tumor. Well it was a little boy who brings so much joy to us. I decided to continue working when he was a baby since I did own the needlework store. When the time came for a rent increase and a new freeway exit that could have my store torn down, it was time to look for other options.  Thomas was three and harder to keep from escaping out the door when a customer arrived. I thought of eBay and decided to give it a try. 

In ONE MONTH I had more sales on eBay than in the store. eBay was not a tough decision to choose with less overhead, no shoplifting, less bounced checks and Thomas could be home. We closed when the lease was up four months later.

 Well..... 17,000 feedbacks later I am a power seller mom with a marvelous eight year old shipping manager. I am with Thomas everyday and I choose to teach him what I wanted to teach him and not what a public school in the state of Utah was going to teach him. Thomas has a brother 14 years older than him that attended Catholic school in Utah first through graduation. With Thomas Catholic school was not an option with us supporting grandma in the nursing home. I was a "victim" of the Utah school system and when we returned to Utah to live I asked my husband to please honor my wish that our children would not be victims of the same system. So my option was Homeschool and I love it. Thomas uses a structured program that lays everything out for the teacher daily and I sit with Thomas and teach in his own classroom (actually the end of the family room partitioned off with wood screens). When Thomas is doing his papers I am still next to him at my desk either loading items to sell on eBay on my phone or laptop. My husband is very much a part of the Homeschool process and helps out when he is not working. I get my orders ready to ship in the afternoon and head to the post office daily to beat the closing at 5:30. After dinner I list more items many nights a week while Thomas reads to me or he quizzes me on the presidents of the US. I am having not just quantity time with my little guy but quality time.   Thomas is much like his mother and goes for detail.  A simple phonics lesson became an art project.... my son who sees everything in dimensions.

NEXT:  Can you afford to sell on eBay and leave the workforce?

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