Saturday, September 18, 2010

Why I have to Schedule my day?

So you wonder, how does she do it and still function.   It is very easy....
This blog was too long so I am adjusting it for an easier read

My time frame for a day
Arise and check to see what sold during the night to figure out my time frame for shipping
Get Thomas fed and ready for home school while printing off invoices
Get Thomas started on his spelling and math papers (he can work on these on his own unless questions arise)
I go and print off shipping labels ( or Endicia are a must have for shipping so you don't stand in line at the post office. I go to the head of the line and just drop off my bins with all my postage ready packages) NOTE: Since I know what most of my leaflets weigh, I guess on shipping and sometimes have to add a 17 cent stamp or two.
I go and sit with Thomas in his classroom and put the label on the envelopes with the invoice on top.
As Thomas takes a break or finishes up his day at school, I then go to the huge office where all items listed on eBay are stored (2100 as I write this and many are multiples). I pull the items, add to envelopes and seal.  I then weigh them downstairs and add postage if necessary and arrive at the post office at 5:30 daily at closing.

I do get some listings done while Thomas is working or later in the evening. 

A Schedule is very important.

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